To Remember:
Complaining is a serious sin; we combat complaining with
murmur: grumble, complain, whine
gratefulness: being thankful
Lesson Numbers 21:4-9
Discussion Point: Do you know anyone who complains
constantly? Everything is either too hot, too cold, too high,
too low - nothing is right for these people. Are they fun to be
around? Is it rewarding to do anything for them? What is it
these people lack? A sense of thankfulness. The Israelites
complained a lot about food and water and fighting the enemy.
Who always provided for them? God. Did he ever let them down?
No. So why did they complain? Not because they lacked, but
because they always wanted more.
Our society is not much different. Ads and commercials constantly
try to convince us that we need something else. We lose sight of
all the wonderful things we have and concentrate instead on what
we don't have. We can prevent become murmurers by constantly
reminding ourselves of the things we are thankful for. We can
battle a whiny mood by counting our blessings.
Sing:God is so good, Count Your Blessings

I'm Thankful to my Family For...
Memory Work:
Numbers 21: The people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned by
speaking against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord to
take away the serpents from us."
True or False
The Israelites complained a lot. T
God is unhappy when we complain. T
We have much to be thankful for. T
The Israelites had a lot to be thankful for. T
God provided no way for the Israelites to be healed. F
Review Questions for
gameboard linguistic
Name 3 things you're thankful for.
How many words can you make from the letters "grateful".
Name 3 things the Israelites had to be grateful for.
activity questions
Act out an Israelite who was bitten, saw the staff and healed.
Put the first five books of Bible in order (written on cards).
Trade seats with another student.
emotion questions
What were the Israelites complaining about?
How do you think God felt to hear them complain?
What emotions were the Israelites feeling when they asked Moses to pray for
application questions
Is it ok for us to complain?
What can we do when we feel like complaining?
We should always approach God with a _________ attitude.
fact questions
What did God send to punish the Israelites?
What did God have Moses make?
How were the people healed?
review questions
What sin made God so angry?
What did the Israelites admit they had done?
Who provided a way for them to be healed?