Approaching God at Mount Sinai
To Remember: Making promises to God is very
Covenant: a contract, promises between two people
Holy: set apart, special
Mediator: a go-between, someone who talks for others
Lesson Exodus 19-20
Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai, the place where Moses
talked to the Angel of the Lord at the burning bush. Moses went
up to the mountain to talk to God. God said, "I brought you out
of Egypt to be a special, holy nation. If you will obey me and
keep my law, you will be special to me."
Moses went down to the people and told them what God said. They
replied, "We will do everything that the Lord has said." Moses
went to God to tell him that the Israelites agreed to the
covenant. God said to seal the agreement, he would appear on the
mountain to the people.

Meeting with God is a very special occasion. When we meet with
important people, we get cleaned up, put on our best
clothes, and act on out best behavior. God told the people to cleanse
themselves for three days, not to come too close to the mountain, and to
wait for the trumpets.
Activity: Have the students act the part of the Israelites.
Give them handi-wipes to represent cleansing. Lay a string on the floor to
represent the line they shouldn't cross.
God is so mighty that He cannot be approached directly. His
power would kill you. So He came close to the mountain, appearing as
a stormy cloud, with thunder and lightening. Suddenly a loud trumpet
blast filled the air. The mountain shook. The people were very
scared. God called for Moses and Aaron to come to the mountain so he
could give them the law.
Graphics:Discussion points
Moses acted as a go-between, a mediator. He spoke to God for the Israelites,
and relayed God's will to them.
Without a law, it is impossible to know how to please God. God gives us law
so we can know we are doing what's right.
Activity: Take a sticker (or other small prize) in one hand. Put both
hands behind your back. Have students choose a hand. If they pick the
hand with the prize, give it to them. If they don't, don't. discuss how
it's hard to know if you're making the right choice without any
guidelines. Explain that the law guides us before we have to make
choices, by telling us what is right and what is wrong. And picking
what's right is like getting the prize. This time, tell the students
which hand the prize is in, then give them the prize when they pick it.
If someone chooses the other hand, despite knowing which hand it was in,
discuss how many people choose to do what is wrong, even when they know
ahead of time.
If meeting God was important to the Israelites, is it important to us? How
should we act when we are meeting with God in worship or prayer?
Did the Israelites know what God's law would be before they agreed to obey
it? No. their promise was based on their past relationship with God. They
knew they would be taken care of, and did not fear promising their service
to God.
I want to be a worker for the Lord
True or False
1. The Israelites saw God face to face. F
2. The Israelites promised to obey God. T
3. God didn't promise the Israelites anything in return. F
4. God gives us law to make us miserable. F
5. We use law to tell us what is right and what is wrong.
Memory Work:
Exodus 19:8 "Everything the Lord has spoken we will do."
Review Questions for
gameboard linguistic
What is a covenant?
Explain how Moses acted as a mediator.
What makes a person holy?
activity questions
Put the first five books of OT in order.
Quickly draw a picture of God's cloud on the mountain.
Have a student act as a go-between for you and the class by handing out
Play two commands of Simon Says with that student.
emotion questions
How did the Israelites feel when God's cloud appeared on the mountain?
Were the Israelites willing or unwilling to obey God?
Do you think God was pleased or not pleased that the Israelites agreed to
the covenant?
application questions
Does God require a commitment out of us?
How should we act when we are before God?
Are rules good or bad things?
fact questions
Who acted as a go-between for God and the Israelites?
What frightened the Israelites?
How did the people do to prepare to meet God?
review questions
What did the Israelites agree to do?
What did God promise to make of the Israelites?
What did God give the Israelites to help them be special?