Moses and the Burning Bush
To Remember:
God is holy, and where He is, is holy.
If God commands it, He'll make it possible
Holy: set apart, pure, related to God
Lesson Exodus 3:1 - 4:17
Discussion points:
When we approach God, we must recognize His greatness, His holiness, His
When God gives us an assignment, He will provide the resources and strength
we need. It's not just up to us. In fact, it is God who does the work,
through us. Moses didn't free Israel, God did.
Sing: I want to be a
worker for the Lord
Craft: Cut leaf shapes out of green colored paper. Then cut
flame shapes out of red and orange paper. Have the students apply
them to a mural or coloring page to make the burning bush. OR Make
the leaves and flame pieces very small and collage them over a
coloring page you already have. Then have students color Moses.
Activity: Have students act out Moses approaching the bush.
Have students take off their shoes.

True or False
1. Moses decided that Mount Sinai was a holy place. F (God decided
and announced it to Moses)
2. God told Moses to approach him "just as he was". F (God said
Moses must show his respect for God's holiness by taking off his
3. God knew about Moses' weaknesses and provided help for him. T
4. Moses was afraid to go to Egypt. T
5. God let Moses "off the hook" because of his weakness. F
Memory Work: (have students make up hand
motions to go with the verse)
Exodus 3:19,20 I know, however, that the king of Egypt
will not let you go unless compelled by a mighty hand. So I will
stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders that I will
perform in it; after that he will let you go.
Review Questions for
Moses gameboard
linguistic questions
- What does holy mean? set apart for God, pure
- Name Moses' family. Amram, Jochebed, Aaron, Miriam
- Unscramble the word: semos
activity questions
Act out Moses giving excuses to God.
Draw a burning bush.
Find Mt. Sinai on a map.
emotion questions
What feelings prompted Moses to examine the burning bush? wonder, curiosity
What feelings prompted Moses to give excuses? fear
What did Moses do that angered God? asked not to be sent
application questions
How does God's holiness affect our relationship to Him? we must be cleansed
and holy before we can approach Him.
Who accomplishes God's work in us? God does
How do we accomplish tasks that are too hard for us to do? trust in God to
provide the means
fact questions
What was Moses doing when he saw the bush? tending flocks
When did Moses leave for Egypt? immediately
Who came to meet Moses? Aaron, his brother
review questions
How did God know that Moses was capable of accomplishing the freedom of
Israel? (God created Moses and knew all about him. It was God who was going
to free Israel, not Moses)
Why did Moses' lack of confidence anger God? because it showed a lack of
faith in God, not in Moses
Why did God provide so many helps for Moses? God will always help his people
do His work.